
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Green Tomato Chow Chow

Green Tomato Chow Chow

Quick fix for the Summertime Blues!


  •                                  6 lbs hard green tomatoes (about 18 medium)
  •                                  3 large onions
  •                                  3 red sweet peppers
  •                                  4 green sweet peppers
  •                                  3 jalapeño peppers
  •                                  3c white distilled vinegar (5%)
  •                                  4c sugar
  •                                  4t dry mustard
  •                                  2T pickling salt
  •                                  1T celery seeds
  •                                  2t ground turmeric
  •                                  3T cornstarch
  •                                  2T cold water



  1. ASSEMBLE jars, lids, bands and canning equipment.
  2. WASH jars, lids and bands in hot, soapy water.  Rinse well, dry the bands and set aside. 
  3. HEAT jars and lids in hot water (180 degrees F), keeping them hot until used.
  4. SANITIZE all counter tops and cutting boards with bleach and rinse.
  5. PREPARE boiling water canner. Fill the canner halfway with clean water. This is approximately the level needed for a canner load of pint jars. Heat to 140 degrees.
  6. WASH tomatoes, peppers, and onions in ½ vinegar, ½ water solution; rinse and coarsely grate or finely chop. Dissolve salt in water and pour over vegetables in large kettle. Heat to boiling and simmer (182-187 degrees F) 5 minutes. Drain in colander. Return vegetables to kettle. Add sugar, vinegar and mustard.  Stir to mix. Heat to boil and simmer (182-187 degrees F) 5 minutes. If desired, thicken mixture with corn starch paste (3T Corn Starch to 2T cold water) and stir frequently. 
  7. LADLE relish into hot jars leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Remove air bubbles wipe rim.  Center lid on jar.  Apply band until fit is fingertip tight.
  8. LOAD filled jars, fitted with lids, into the canner rack and use the handles to lower the rack into the water.  Keeping the jars upright at all times. Tilting the jars could cause food to spill into the sealing area of the lid.
  9.  ADD more hot water, if needed, so the water level is at least 2 inches above jar tops. And                            process for 30 minutes from the start of the water boiling.
  10. TURN heat to its highest position, cover the canner with its lid, and heat until the water in the                   canner boils vigorously (204 degrees F).
  11. SET a timer for 30 minutes.
  12. KEEP the canner covered and maintain a boil (204 degrees F) throughout the process schedule.
  13. WHEN jars have been boiled for 30 minutes, turn off the heat and remove the canner lid.
  14. USING a jar lifter, remove the jars and place them on a towel, leaving at least 1-inch spaces                        between the jars during cooling.
  15. LET jars sit undisturbed to cool at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours.
  16.  AFTER the jars are cool, test for a seal by pressing the center of the lid.  If the lid does not flex up and down the lid is sealed.
Chow chow has its origins in Nova Scotia, but spread through Pennsylvania and then the southern United States as French colonists migrated South to Louisiana (“chou” is French for cabbage, a frequently used ingredient). The ingredients often depend on where it's made and what’s in season. In the Southern United States Green Tomatoes are generally used. Generally a blend of sweet and spicy, the spices can also vary wildly and it may be used to accompany everything from hot dogs and hamburgers to biscuits and gravy. Also terrific on pinto beans, black-eyed peas, and to add to macaroni or potato salad.

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